Sunday, February 22, 2009

Preparing for Lent

Henri Nouwen
How often have I lived through these weeks without paying much attention to penance, fasting, and prayer? How often have I missed the spiritual fruits of the season without even being aware of it? But how can I ever really celebrate Easter without observing Lent? How can I rejoice fully in your Resurrection when I have avoided participating in your death? Yes, Lord, I have to die—with you, through you, and in you—and thus become ready to recognize you when you appear to me in your Resurrection. There is so much in me that needs to die: false attachments, greed and anger, impatience and stinginess.... I see clearly now how little I have died with you, really gone your way and been faithful to it. O Lord, make this Lenten season different from the other ones. Let me find you again. Amen.

Lent starts this Wed or you may start on Sunday. Lent is a 40-day journey with Christ. The point is that we enter into Christ’s experience of self-denial leading up to the ultimate sacrifice, His life. Begin this week by seeking opportunities to commune with Jesus more often. One way for us to deepen our understanding of how Jesus denied Himself and embraced suffering and death for you, try practicing some sort of fast. Think of something that you may fast from and replace that with spending time with Jesus.
Try fasting from:
• Morning coffee
• Daily sodas
• Evening TV
• Media
• Sports
• The computer
• Stereo in your car
• A meal

As you take away these things replace them with God. When it’s difficult share your feeling with Jesus in prayer and journaling. What is Jesus saying to you during this time?

Take the next few days or week in prayer to discern what you may fast from. The point is not what you will no longer have but the feasting with Jesus you now have time for.

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